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flying squirrel For Sale

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Flying Squirrel as pets

Flying squirrels are the ultimate adorable pocket pet. While they don't actually fly like a bird, they can glide long distances with their parachute-like arms. Flying squirrels develop strong bonds with their owners which makes them very personable and unique from other exotics.   A few negative aspects to consider about flying squirrels are they are very small and delicate, they can be destructive from chewing, and they cannot be left unattended outside their enclosure.  If you think a flying squirrel is right for you please read the care info blog and sign up for our notification list at the bottom of this page. 

How to purchase a Flying Squirrel from JEAR 

First, research our website to learn

about Flying Squirrel care and ownership

Then, establish or find a vet who is experienced in flying squirrel care

Sign up for baby alerts and pick up your baby in person

Baby Flyers are extremely limited! Making baby flying squirrels

is a delicate process.

Flying Squirrels for sale in Kingsbury Texas

We are currently accepting deposits for upcoming baby flying squirrels.


We specialize in hand-raised baby flying squirrels,

we occasionally have adults for sale. 

At JEAR, our focus isn’t on selling you an animal.

Our mission is to provide you with the perfect animal experience;

making sure that you if leave with a little one it is right for you and your family.


Come on out and let us show you what the Janda experience is all about. 

NEW Flying Squirrel Notification LIST

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Previously Sold Flying Squirrel babies

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