Warmer environments
Native to New Zealand
Kunekune Pig
Kunekune Pig Information
Pigs have always been a part of our family, but the Kunekune breed has the best temperament of any. When they are born they are fearless of humans unlike other mini pigs. As adults they are like little hippos and stay very gentle. They are naturally curious and adorable to boot!
Pronounced "koo-nee koo-nee," and translated to "fat and round," these pigs are very similar to pet pot bellied pigs. The kunekune is a small breed of domestic pig from New Zealand. Kunekune are hairy, with a rotund build and may bear wattles (or piri piri) hanging from their lower jaws. Their color ranges from black and white, to ginger, cream, gold-tip, black, brown and multicolored. They have a docile, friendly nature, and like the pot-bellied pig – are now often kept as pets.

Chinchilla Information
KuneKune Zookeeper Facts
They can reach 200 pounds
They can snore when they sleep
They are commonly kept as farmstead meat pigs
They can have wattles on their chins
They almost went extinct, animal breeders saved them
Their favorite treats is whole bananas