Overall, kunekune are social, intelligent animals that live an average of 15-20 years. By taking good care of them you will be sure your pig is around for a long time.
as a multi function species many famrs raise these for meat, but thier gentle nature has won the hearts of pig lovers all over!

KuneKune Pig In Depth Pet Care
KuneKune pet pig Care:
Kunekune are large and may be kept indoors for the first few months when they are little but they will want to be outside as adults. Since kunekune can grow to be up to be hundreds of pounds, they need a decent amount of space to roam about and lie down. Most kunekune owners keep their pigs in a barn or outside setting. Since their main diet is grass, they are allowed to come and go in a secure fenced in area and sleep on hay or another kind of bedding in a well-ventilated shelter. They don't do well in direct heat so providing them with shade and ventilation is a must. If they get too hot they will roll around in mud or water to keep their bodies cool and keep the flies from biting them. Pigs only sweat on their snouts so it is difficult for them to regulate their body temperature without the extra care.
What does a kunekune pigs hair feel like?
Kune kune have distinct hair coat and squished face. They have longer hair than pot bellies and the majority of them have tassels, also called pire, that hang off their lower jaw like a wattle. Their coat comes in a variety of colors, and the hair itself can vary from silky to bristly or coarse. Depending on the time of year or season, kune kune hair will vary. They go through a massive shed in the summer and can look like a completely different pig than they do in the winter months.
How Big does a Kunekune grow?
A kunekune can grow to be between 100-400 pounds It will take a couple of years for your pig to reach their full grown size, but they should be offered ample grass and not malnourished during their growing period.
What do pet Kunekune Pigs eat?
Pet kunekune pig Diet Unlike pet pot bellied pigs, kunekune are usually kept in outdoor environments and do well just eating grass. But if quality pasture is not available, whether it be due to a drought or just not enough grass to feed a hungry adult pig, pot bellied pig pellets and grass pellets can be used to supplement the diet.
An adult kunekune will eat 2-3 pounds of pellets a day (equal parts of pot bellied pig and grass pellets) if they don't have a lot of grass. Add hot water to the pellets to create a mash. Younger pigs will eat smaller amounts, but some fresh pasture should be available at all times when there is grass.

Where do you keep a pet Kunekune pig?
Pet Kunekune Habitat: The natural habitat for kunekune is woodland and pasture. They love being outdoors and are suitable for a range of climates, in addition to being ideal for large gardens. For keeping them as pets, it is best to set up a large house for them to go into depending on the number of pigs. Training your Kunekune pig
Positive reinforcement is the key to success with most pets, including Kunekune pigs. They won't respond to force or punishment very well at all. To a pig, the most obvious kind of positive reinforcement is food. Most pigs will be happy to work for small tidbits such as raisins, small pieces of apple or other fruit, or even pieces of their regular rations. When you are trying to tame a stubborn piglet, you may even want to hand feed them all of their food, since the quickest way to a pig's heart is through their stomach. However, obesity is a common problem, so keep treat foods to a minimum and make sure you are not overfeeding your pig by feeding full meals while using extra food for training.
Pet Kunekune pig care guide

Kunekune Pig FAQs
Can they be kept in the house?
Kunekune's are very sociable and enjoy being around you but much prefer living outside in a safe fenced area.
Should I get two so my kunekune will not be lonely?
Kune pigs are social creatures and would benefit from having a pig friend.
Do they require Vaccinations or shots?
No vaccinations are needed.
Are they safe with children?
Kunekunes are very trustworthy and enjoy attention and human contact.
Do they have an odor, or offensive smell?
No pigs never soil their beds, they are only in mud when they are hot and in the winter they are unhappy being wet or dirty.
How are they with other pets?
They are good with other farm animals such as sheep and family dog. Most animals are unsure at first but will get used to the Kunekune.
What is their general personality?
They have a great temperament and usually love their humans.

Fun tip....KuneKune Snores!